Hey, I'm Joël

photographer Based in Squamish, BC

My work’s goal is to showcase subject, context and movement from perspectives that get as close as possible to the feeling of the experience — and to evolve new ways of interacting with different environments.


Winner // Crankworx Whistler Deep Summer 2024


Photo: Margus Riga

Born and raised in Switzerland, I learned to ride a bike pretty quickly after learning how to walk. Since then, mountain biking has been a common thread throughout my life. Taking on a multitude of shapes and forms, it became the main catalyst for what’s to come. It led me to picking up a camera at the age of 14 to document my friends and myself riding—initiating a way to be more intentional about my creative expression on both sides of the lens.

While going to school for engineering certainly didn’t feel like the ultimate breeding ground for creativity, it taught me a method and process to bring ideas to life. Building sets and specialty camera rigging in the commercial film industry later on bridged the gap between my engineering background and the creative space. Working with creatives and physically reverse engineering their imagination provided the missing link: building tools to enable creativity and clarifying the feeling of the human experience in different contexts. From then on I have been taking the time to follow creative inspiration, and figuring out the steps to enact these ideas in a generative way.

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